Friday, November 25, 2011

Testing tools

Let us consider an example scenario to explain the need for proper testing tools. A team of programmers develop a system for a client say client X. All the requirements which had been put forward by the client X are implemented by the programmers in this system. For a few inputs the system is tested and it gives the desired output. This system is delivered to the client X .The client X uses his own set of inputs and finds that the system is not working satisfactorily. Here it can be clearly seen that this system has failed because it has not been subjected to thorough testing methods.
For a system to work without producing any glitches, it is imperative that testing methods have been applied to it at every stage of its development. Any product, device, software should be tested before it reaches its destination which can be a customer, client or market. Testing can be done on a piece of hardware such as a PCB board and software such as a website or a user application .A combination of both hardware and software testing tools are available which find their application in large industrial automated plants. Testing tools help in detecting the loopholes within a system. Major failures can be averted if the defect is detected and resolved at the right time.
There are different kinds of testing tools for different purposes. Some of the most common tools are mentioned here.
•           QA testing tools
•           Load testing tools
•           Performance testing tools
•           Product testing tools
•           Unit testing tools
•           Software testing tools
In order to maintain the standards and specifications for a particular system, quality assurance tools are used .These tools help in providing customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements and ensuring that no defects are present in the system. Load testing tools help in understanding the response of the system under heavy loads. These tools create a virtual environment under which the parameters of the actual system are tested. Performance testing tools ensure that a system is running efficiently and smoothly. A faster response time and accuracy is always desirable. This tool helps in estimating the performance of the system in quite a precise manner. Product testing tools are used at every stage of development of a system. This not only enhances the quality of a product but also helps in keeping a check on the profit-loss margin. Software testing tools are used to test an application or even a small program to detect bugs and avoid failure.


  • Anonymous says:
    July 17, 2012 at 4:56 PM

    Thanks of your posting, which made me to join Testing tools online training @

  • Pegasie says:
    October 5, 2012 at 3:10 PM

    HP Testing Tools are the best testing tools for the site to be tested. When the software is to hand over to the end user then it should be bug free. Thanks for sharing the post..Really nice post shared…

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