Monday, November 21, 2011

How to insert a Checkpoint in QTP

Inserting Checkpoints

Check point is a verification point, it takes expected result from the user and compares with actual results during execution and provides test results.

There are 11 Checkpoints available in QTP:

1.      Standard check point
2.      Text check point
3.      Text area check point
4.      Bit map check point
5.      Data base check point
6.      Accessibility check point
7.      XML Check point (from Application)
8.      XML Check point (from Resource)
9.      Page check point
10. Image checkpoint
11. Table checkpoint

Note 1: From 6 to 11 checkpoints are only for Web.

Note 2: From 9 to 11 checkpoints are hidden checkpoints, we can insert these checkpoints through standard checkpoint.

1.    Standard Checkpoint:

It checks object property values. We can use this checkpoint for checking any property value.

Navigation for Inserting standard checkpoint

Keep tool under recording mode > place cursor in desired location > Insert > check point > Standard checkpoint > Show the object  > click okay > select property and enter expected results & click Ok and stop Recording.

Navigation for Editing standard checkpoint

Select Checkpoint statement and right click > choose checkpoint properties option > modify the value > click Ok.

Navigation for Deleting standard checkpoint:

Select Checkpoint statements and right click > choose delete option.

Inserting Standard check points through active screen:

View > Active Screen >place cursor in desired location >Place mouse pointer on active screen & right click> choose insert standard checkpoint option > click ok > enter expected result > click ok

Note: Inserting Standard check points through keyword view same as in expert view.

Note: We can insert standard checkpoints in 3 ways.

a.      Through expert view,
b.      Through keyword view,
c.      Through Active screen.

2) Text Checkpoint:

 It Checks object’s text property value in different ways.

Keep tool under Recording mode >Insert menu > checkpoint > Text checkpoint > Show the object > click ok > Select options

(Match case; ignore spaces, exact match, text not displayed.)

We can select one or more options > click ok & stop Recording.

3)  Text Area Checkpoint:

It checks the text area present in the application.

Keep tool under Recording mode > Insert menu> Checkpoint > Text area checkpoint > Mark the area of text > select one or more options

(Match case, ignore spaces, exact match, text not displayed.)

Click ok and stop recording.

4.      Bitmap checkpoint:

It compares bitmaps; we can compare complete bitmaps as well as part of the bitmaps.


Keep tool under Recording mode > Insert menu > Checkpoint > Bitmap checkpoint > show the Bitmap >click ok >select “check only selected area” option if we want to compare part of the bitmap > click ok >stop recording.

5.      Database checkpoint:

It checks Content of the back end Database.

Insert > checkpoint > Database checkpoint >choose “specify SQL statement manually” option >click next > click create > select machine data source > Select DSN (QT_flight32) > click ok > enter SQL statement (select * from orders) > finish > click ok.

Note: here we do not need to put tool under Recording mode and we do not need AUT since data is from backend.

6.      Accessibility check point:

It checks whether the webpage in our web application is developed according to W3C (World Wide Web consortium) Rules and Regulations or not.

It is a configurable checkpoint, according to our requirements, we can customize.

Configuring accessibility checkpoint:

Tools menu> options >web > advanced > check/uncheck items > click apply > click ok

Keep tool under recording mode with web environment >insert>checkpoint>accessibility checkpoint>show the webpage>click ok>click ok>stop recording.

Result Criteria:
a)     If item is available but not according to W3C rules then fail.
b)     If an item is available, according to W3C rules then Pass.
c)     If an item is not available then result would be pass

7. XML Check point (from Application)

It checks content of the XML file.

Keep tool under Recording mode in web environment > insert menu > checkpoint (from application)> show the xml pages >click ok > stop Recording.

8. XML Check point (from Resource)

It checks content of the XML file.

Navigation: Insert menu > checkpoint >xml checkpoint (from resource) > browse path of the XML File > click ok > click ok.

Note: 1. If XML file is an individual and path available, and then we can go for inserting xml checkpoint from resource.

Note: 2. If XML file is part of web application, separate path is not available then we can choose inserting XML checkpoints from application.

9. Page checkpoint:

It checks number of Links, Images and Loading time in a web page.

It is a hidden checkpoint; we can insert this through standard checkpoint.


Keep tool under Recording mode with web environment > Insert menu > checkpoint > Standard checkpoint >show the web page > click ok > click ok > stop recording.

10. Image checkpoint:

It checks Image property values.

 Keep tool under Recording mode with web environment > Insert menu > checkpoint >standard checkpoint > show the image > select image > click ok > click ok >stop recording.

11. Table checkpoint:

It checks content of the web tables.

Navigation: Keep tool under Recording mode under web environment > Insert menu > checkpoint > standard checkpoint >show the web table > click ok >stop recording.


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