Monday, December 12, 2011

Excuses for testers when bugs are caught in later testing cycles/UAT/Production

In my experience, I have seen that unlike developers, testers are not much clever.  One of the biggest pain-point for testers is that whenever a bug is caught in UAT or caught in later stages then blame is unfairly put on testing teams. This further results into unfair yearly reviews and appraisals of testing teams.
I have seen that in many mid size companies, less value is given to testing teams. Testing culture lacks in those companies. Management should understand that testing team is "also responsible" [not "only responsible"] when a bug is caught in production.
Testers should be proactive and should be able deal with such situations. They should have the excuses ready when they are asked “WHY YOU MISS THIS BUG?”. In this post, I am writing some excuses so that testers can put themselves on safer side whenever bugs are found in UAT/Production. Each excuse depends upon a situation, so give below excuses carefully.
Excuse 1: Bug is missed because this scenario is not in the test case. These test cases are reviewed and approved by Business Analyst/Product Manager/XXXX person.
Excuse 2: Testing team already reported a similar bug which is not fixed yet. That's why we got this new bug in UAT/Production. [most common excuse].
Excuse 3: The bug is occurring because of the last minute changes in the application by development team. Project management team should come up with a strategy so that we can avoid last minute changes.
Excuse 4: Bug is missed because this scenario/rule is not mentioned in the requirement document [most common excuse].
Excuse 5: Testing is done in hurry because enough time was not given to testing team. Project management team should be proactive and should make an effective plan.
Excuse 6: Bug is missed because we (testers) did not test this functionality in later testing cycles. This functionality is not included in the testing scope.
Excuse 7: Bug is missed because we tested only that functionality which we got in the list of impacted areas. Whenever a change is made in the existing functionality then Development Team/Development Lead/Manager should give testing team the detailed list of impacted areas so that all impacted areas can be tested and bugs can be avoided in UAT/Production.
Excuse 8: This was the same bug which we got in our testing environment but at that time it was inconsistent. We reported it once but then both dev and testing teams were not able to replicate again.
Excuse 9: This bug might be occurring because Developers were fixing the bugs on Testing environment on the same time when testers were testing. Testing team cannot be blamed. Project management team should come up with a strategy so that we can avoid changes directly on QA/Testing environment.
Excuse 10: Why this is a bug? This is working as designed. Please show us which section of requirement/specification document states this rule. [Attn testers: Make this excuse only when you are sure that there are discrepancies in specification document].
Excuse 11: This bug is occurring when user selects a specific value in the dropdown/test data. It is working fine with other values. Exhaustive testing is impossible.


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