Thursday, November 10, 2011

System Acceptance Testing

  • Unlike Integration testing, which focuses on data transfer amongst modules, System Testing checks complete end to end scenarios , as the way a customer would use the system.
  • A good example of Test Case in the phase would be - Login into the banking application, Check Current Balance, Transfer some money, Logout
  • Apart from Functional, NON-FUNCTIONAL requirements are also checked during system testing . Non-functional requirements include performance, reliability. We will discuss non- functional requirement in detail in a later tutorial
  • Acceptance test is usually done at client location, by the client, once all the defects found in System testing phase are fixed.
  • Focus of Acceptance test is not to find defects but to check whether meet their requirements .Since this is the first time, the client sees their requirements which is plain text  into an actual working system
  • Acceptance Testing can be done in two ways
  • Alpha Testing – A small set of employees of the client in our case employees of the bank will use the system as the end user would
  • Beta Testing –  A small set of customers in our case bank account holders will use the software and recommend changes
  • That’s all to the various testing levels in the V- model


  • Pegasie says:
    October 5, 2012 at 11:12 AM

    Really nice post..Testing modules are directly depends on the phases of the software. In case of acceptance testing it is complete over to client. He will use the system in the test phase and get all the errors fixed by using alpha and beta type of testing. Thanks for sharing the post and new thing i.e alpha and beta testing..

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