Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Error Guessing

Error guessing is testing technique which used for creating test cases used to find bugs. Error guessing technique is useful if the resource that will be creating the test cases will be having prior knowledge about testing or about the business or about the application. In error guessing tester uses intuition, instincts to find out in what all situation a software might fail. It is an ad hoc method to identify bugs depending upon the tester’s intuitiveness and gut feeling. There are no specific tools and software available. Error guessing has no explicit rules for testing.


  • IT Tutorials says:
    February 28, 2017 at 4:19 PM

    It is really a great work and the way in which u r sharing the knowledge is excellent.
    Thanks for helping me to understand error guessing concepts. As a beginner in software testing your post help me a lot.Thanks for your informative article. software testing Training

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